
A Neighborhood Council is a city-certified local group that represents the interests of its neighborhood. It is governed by residents who elect a board of neighborhood representatives. The board works to help the neighborhood improve its quality of life. This organization meets on a regular basis to discuss issues and propose solutions to common problems.

Neighborhood Councils are independent from elected officials and are well-positioned to articulate community positions on important public issues. They also have considerable power and influence in the community. There are a variety of benefits to becoming a member of an LA Neighborhood Council. The process is transparent and open. And a Neighborhood Council can be comprised of people with different backgrounds.

An LA Neighborhood Council can receive funding to support its programs. Its budget is $50,000 a year and can be used for community building and outreach. This funding is subject to City of Los Angeles auditing standards. Neighborhood Councils should be supported with sufficient resources to operate effectively. The funding should be indexed to the cost of living.

Neighborhood Councils are an important way to get involved in local government. By forming a Neighborhood Council, residents can voice their opinions directly to city government. These groups are governed by volunteer board members who are elected by their community. They have annual budgets that are funded by tax dollars. In addition to promoting neighborhood-oriented services and programs, these groups ensure that City government keeps up with the needs of diverse neighborhoods.