How do I contact the LA City Council

How Do I Contact the LA City Council?

You can reach your Council member via phone or email. You can find the phone number on the city hall website. Or, you can call the office of your Council member. To unmute yourself, press *6. See the section on seniority and assignments to committees for more information.

Press *6 to unmute yourself

When contacting the LA City Council by phone, it is imperative that you unmute yourself before speaking. To do so, press *6 on your phone. The phone will give you the option to speak or remain silent. The Council will announce the last four digits on your number when you call them. You must pay attention to this announcement to unmute. The council will move onto the next caller if you do not do so.

Assignments to committee

To achieve its goals, the LA City Council relies on committees. Most Councilmembers chair at least one committee and serve on several others. Their committee assignments reflect their personal interests, district representation, seniority, and power. Some committees are more powerful than others and have greater authority over a certain topic.

Contact the City Clerk’s Office to request an assignment on a committee. The staff will review the request and get back with you as soon possible. The Council may change meeting dates. You can also contact Council members directly. In some cases, they may approve or deny your request.


You can reach the LA City Council by telephone if you have a problem. Two meetings per month are held at city hall by Council members. The Council is comprised seven members and has the power of passing legislation. If you have any questions or need to contact a Council member, you can reach them by phone.

Los Angeles has fifteen city council districts. To voice your opinion, you can contact the member of the council in the district where it is located.


There are two ways you can make your voice heard at the Los Angeles City Council. First, it is important to understand that the city has 15 council districts. The city’s policies and procedures are overseen by the council. They also elect the city attorney, and the controller.

The Neighborhood Councils are another way to reach the LA City Council. These groups are the voice of residents and promote their interests to City Hall. They are part of the city government and have annual budgets funded by taxpayer dollars. Moreover, the board members are elected by the community and give up their free time to help the community. The Neighborhood Council system was introduced in 1999 to make sure that the City government is responsive to its diverse communities.

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