Be safe whether you commute by car or bike. These tips will allow you to control your vehicle and avoid distractions. Avoid distractions while driving It doesn’t matter whether you are driving to the grocery store, to get your kids to school, to visit friends, or just to have fun with your family, distractions can […]
Are you planning on applying for the Neighborhood Councils Funding Program? If so, then you will want to make sure you have a good credit score. In this blog post, we will give you some tips on how to improve your credit score before applying for the program. Follow these tips and you will be […]
Neighborhood Councils A neighborhood council is an organization that serves the local community. It serves as an advisory body to the City government. A number of neighborhood councils appoint a “Block captain” for each street. This person acts as a link between the executive board of the community. These organizations publish newsletters to keep their […]
How Many City Councils Are in Los Angeles? Each of Los Angeles’ 88 municipalities is governed by a city council, which oversees the city’s budget and agencies. The number of members and the division of responsibilities vary from one city to another. The mayor can be appointed by the council or elected separately. The city […]
How Do I Contact the LA City Council? You can reach your Council member via phone or email. You can find the phone number on the city hall website. Or, you can call the office of your Council member. To unmute yourself, press *6. See the section on seniority and assignments to committees for more […]